We love this little gadget. It makes quick work of peels, cores and slices..
Then I always dip the slices into lemon juice before putting them on the dehydrator tray
apple slices can be touching but not overlapping
These will be so good in granola, oatmeal or pies this winter.
We are looking into juicers which will use the peels and cores..... but today the chickens had a feast
Tonight was family dinner night Chicken, green beans , pilaf and apple crisp. My MIL had gifted us with her final bean picking. We had enough to freeze a couple quarts also.
How did I do on my to do list for the week?
2. do a bit of decluttering , I have set a goal of 200 things for this fall purge
3. work on the fire pit
5. floor and toilet replaced in small bath
9. apple sauce canned
10. apple pie filling canned
Getting there............
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