Thursday, October 27, 2011

Prepping for a Diviticulitus Flare

  So , this week it hit me... I rarely have a flare up  but this week with all of our travel, I wasn't paying attention to what I ate or drank... and a tender abdomen, and slight fever was the price I paid.

Granted, I could  go to the doc and get my antibiotics which would mess up the old digestive track even more , OR I could try my hand at some research I had been doing if we were int he position where I had a flare and no doc was around.

Here goes:

I immediately went on a liquid diet of only herbal teas with honey.  I was not a bit particular on the type of herbal but mostly I stuck with ginger peach, chamomile and rose hips .

Honey pretty much is good for everything... do a Google search and see what I mean.  A great article for the novice is at  Natural News

I then began taking 2000mg of freeze dried garlic gel caps 3 times a day.  I took Vitamin B and Papaya Enzymes also.

Garlic is nature's natural antibiotic.. With what we have done with synthetic antibiotics super bugs have been created.  Fortunately garlic attacks the bacteria naturally.

Live Strong article on garlic 

The papin in papaya  is wonderful and soothing for any digestive problem.  I chew a couple at meals to enable digestion.  We use whole Foods brand but they can be found anywhere.

  So, what was my verdict.  I am at the end of day three  and I feel good. Usually at the end of day three with the antibiotics my divi symptoms are gone but I then battle with the antibiotics.  I DID eat a cup of live culture yogurt this evening and I do believe my recovery will be a tad better using natures medicine cabinet.
  Let me just say if I felt I was in anyway in a crisis I would have gone to the ER or at least the doctor.  but as a prepper, I felt the need to test my preps and see if this was going to be my go to in the event  medical care was not an option.  I am very pleased that it is.

Stock up on your garlic and honey

Press in and Press on,

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Week in Review

.. Ok, 75% of the weekly goals got tossed.. We ended up doing a bunch of traveling and then Sat. after work I had pistol training and PrepDad played with big boy toys at the shooting range with some friends...


This week found us in Fayetteville, NC where we took a moment and visited the famous Hay Street Market. This is where slaves were auctioned after making the journey from the coast up the Cape Fear.  Very humbling... it FEELS sad when you enter it.

Thursday we headed north up into VA. Southern VA is one of our favorite places on the plant... here are a few fun shots I took in Roanoke.

  Friday we had dinner with PrepSon1 and PrepDaughterin law. PrepSon1 is the primary cook and let me tell you... it makes this mama proud of the feast he prepared. ( recipes coming this week)

and Sat... whoa Honey!  I had my first pistol class while PrepDad played with his friends and the big boy toys

We had a blast ( no pun intended!)

Press in and Press On

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Toasted Pumpkin Seeds

So Tuesday Taylor and Kristy came over for a good old fashioned carving party

 I guess puking pumpkins are all the rage this year

So.... what to do with pumpkin guts?

Rinse off the yuck and soak in salted water over night.

Place on a cookie sheet and spray with olive oil, sprinkle with salt and chili pepper seasoning..

 Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for 30 minutes ..allow to cool a bit... and enjoy

These are so goo... they are an awesome source of vitamins, fiber ... we'll be doing a bunch more batches while the pumpkins are still coming in...

How are the goals coming along???..............ummm... not well, almost everyone of them is getting tossed .  The biggest of the goals, the bathroom floor has been extended for quite some time what started as a tiny bathroom redo turned major when we found rot and mold... so far we are down to the studs in two rooms and the hall looks like the floor will be next.... ~sigh~

Press in and Press on,

Monday, October 17, 2011

Barn Hop Weekly Goals Oct 17-23

 That time again... how did I do last week? what's up for this week? 

   First up before I post the goals, let me show you what we will be working on for a couple Christmas gifts this year...  I love this so much.. there will ahve to be a few in our garden too..
Tea cup Birdfeeder

Here are last weeks goals:

1. Transplant aloe I have not gone to get the pots to divide this little beauty, but the plants did move inside for the winter
2. Check and treat water storage
3. Make another batch of applesauce. Excuse #322 It requires Apple juice and the boy keep drinking it
4. Put in Bathroom floor( this is turning out to be much bigger then we thought, we are ahving to replace the floor joist)
5. Annual "b usiness" meeting with PrepDad to discuss the next years projects and goals Chris and I DID have a meeting. Lists are not Prepdad's forte he is an implements.. so we went over a few things that needed to be accomplished and since I love list I was given the task of writing them up and organizing
6. Begin working on handmade Christmas gifts ( getting a few free moments to do some sewing and crochet)
7. order elderberries ( we don't have any in our area)
8. Finish reading and review the Army Field Guide to Wild Plants
9. Purchase ammo for our upcoming range day  We decided we would just pay some of the folks at the range to shoot their guns to get a feel for the gun we are looking to buy int he near future.
10. Continue decluttering  ( BIG strides today, 3 contractors bags of trash and 2 boxes for goodwill)
Goals Oct 17-23

1. make Applesauce
2. Make apple cakes for  range day
3. repot aloe
4. plant beets
5.Range Day
6. Order bulk sugar
7. write up goals for the next 12 months
8. Roast pumpkin seeds and freeze pumpkin
9. can pickled jalepenos
10. salsa
11.  lay the floor for spare bathroom
12. add one day water strorage
13. List a few things on ebay and use money for fire pit purchase
14. Read and review Independence Days by sharon Astyk
15. Check on the Black Walnut trees for nuts and quality this year

Press in and Press on,

Friday, October 14, 2011

Book Review: The Illustrated Guide to Edible Plants by the Dept of the Army

 This book would be a total waste added to your prepper book collection.  The pictures are not clear and are in black and white. There are notes that say things like " Thistles, all parts are edible but some are very poisonous."  Now, I don't know about you but if I wre in teh wild I would not try deciphering a picture to determine if I was going to poison myself by eating a certain plant.  Far better to get a good colored version of edible plants then waste your money on this guide... 2 thumbs down.
The Illustrated Field Guide

    Weekends are always busy times so the list ticking is not doing well.
1. Transplant aloe
2. Check and treat water storage
3. Make another batch of applesauce
4. Put in Bathroom floor( this is turning out to be much bigger then we thought, we are ahving to replace the floor joist)
5. Annual "b usiness" meeting with PrepDad to discuss the next years projects and goals
6. Begin working on handmade Christmas gifts ( getting a few free moments to do some sewing and crochet)
7. order elderberries ( we don't have any in our area)
8. Finish reading and review the Army Field Guide to Wild Plants
9. Purchase ammo for our upcoming range day
10. Continue decluttering  ( BIG strides today, 3 contractors bags of trash and 2 boxes for goodwill)

Press in and Press on,

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Mid Week Prep Update.. and 10 most favorite Prep Books

This picture has nothing to do with this post really aside from the fact her dad, my brother called me for a nice long visit tonight  and when I saw this picture it made me chuckle... I am still chuckling... what a cutie niece I have.

  so, without going into major details one of my brothers sits on the National 9/12 board, and word has it they are going into full prep mode.  I was asked for a list of my 10 favorite prep books.. and being the wonderful big sis I am.. here goes..
( he said EVERYONE knows about the Ball canning book so its not on my list)
1. Encyclopedia of Country Living by Carla Emery ( by far the most complete book I have found in my 33 years of simplistic living)

2.all volumes of the Foxfire Books ( out of print but all over the place for cheap at thrifts or on ebay)

3.  Mother Earth News Almanac by John Schuttleworth ( also out of print but excellent resource)

4. Hardtimes in Paradise by Micki and Dave Colfax ( inspirational, this book is what pushed us over the hump to take the back to the land plunge)

5.  Surviving Off Off Grid by Michael Bunker ( I did a review of this book and appreciated many of the things he spoke of that we don't really think about)

6.Living the Good Life by Helen and Scott Nearing ( once again out of print but a wonderful over view of living off the land)

7. Putting Food By~ Janet Greene

8. Independence Days, a guide to sustainable Food storage and preservation), Sharon Astyk

9. Army Rangers Survival Guide... ( nuf said)

10. Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver.    Ms Kingsolver and I are worlds apart on many issues, social, political... but one thing I do agree is the absolute need to eat local and care more about your foods.

 Our favorite Magazines have always been Backwoods Home and Countryside.  Recently after a couple decade hiatus we started reading Mother Earth News again..

 We also utilize a local Meetup with like minded folks.

I am more then interested in what is on everyone's must have reading list.

When I began  back to the landing it was the summer of 1976. a friend had taken me to a yurt owned by some friends of his and later I became close with a group that received a grant to build a small solar reflector. So my journey to back to the land has been a process... and still is.... I think as Preppers we need to think about that... life style changes not just panicking to save up  food stuffs and guns if there is a collapse. To a true life long prepper if TSHIF then there might be little life style changes, not much disruption...

Anyhow, how am I doing with the goals this week?

1. Transplant aloe
2. Check and treat water storage
3. Make another batch of applesauce
4. Put in Bathroom floor( this is turning out to be much bigger then we thought, we are ahving to replace the floor joist)
5. Annual "b usiness" meeting with PrepDad to discuss the next years projects and goals
6. Begin working on handmade Christmas gifts ( getting a few free moments to do some sewing and crochet)
7. order elderberries ( we don't have any in our area)
8. Finish reading and review the Army Field Guide to Wild Plants
9. Purchase ammo for our upcoming range day
10. Continue decluttering  ( BIG strides today, 3 contractors bags of trash and 2 boxes for goodwill)

Press in and Press on,

Monday, October 10, 2011

Barn Hopping Weekly Goals Oct 10-16

 Whew, in the thick of a poison ivy out break... the darndest thing... We have a nifty Amish clothesline  that goes from one tree to the next by a pulley system.  I can stand near the porch and load the clothes, and after they dry  I reel them back in for the unload... except I think there is poison ivy on the opposite tree..Ok, no thinking I KNOW there is now, but only after the wind flapped around a towel against that tree that I used.. Thank goodness for the plaintain salve!

Anyhow, its time for another...........
Found  @ Homestead Revival

Let's see how I did with last weeks chores:

1. Continue decluttering  I am so proud of myself today. I was in the mater bath and tossed  stuff I knew we would never use and filled another box with stuff to donate to the local woman's shelter.
2. Continue work on fire pit (this project will probably be postponed until next month.  the bathroom remodel is costing more then we planned)
3. Continue work on bathroom ( sort of)
4. apple sauce
5. apple pie filling
6. make and can ketchup
7. Check and treat water storage
8. plant spinach/kale
9.Hit the discount store int he big city for canned goods we are running low on
10.  transplant aloe

Not too bad!

Now for this week

1. Transplant aloe
2. Check and treat water storage
3. Make another batch of applesauce
4. Put in Bathroom floor
5. Annual "b usiness" meeting with PrepDad to discuss the next years projects and goals
6. Begin working on handmade Christmas gifts
7. order elderberries ( we don't have any in our area)
8. Finish reading and review the Army Field Guide to Wild Plants
9. Purchase ammo for our upcoming range day
10. Continue decluttering 

..and while I'm at it... how about this weeks dinner menu: I'll put recipes up for a few things as the week goes on,

Monday:  spaghetti/salad
Tuesday:  Baked Potato Soup and Dill Bread 
Wednesday: Homemade pizza
Thursday:  Chicken potpie/salad
Friday : Family Dinner
Saturday: soup and grilled cheese sammis
Sunday:.. this is a busy day for us this week  so if we don't do take out it will be popcorn and apple slices

Press in and Press on,

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Staples Deal

 We are recovering from a very busy weekend. There has been nothing major prep wise going on except for the usual CVS/ Walgreen ECBS However, we did score this deal tonight ...

At Staples tonight you can get a pretty sweet deal on some Charmin bath tissue. Staples is offering FREE shipping all week and so this is a super deal to take advantage of! Thanks The Prudent Patron!
This is what to do:
  • Go HERE and add 3 Charmin Basic Bath Tissue Rolls, 1-Ply, 20/Case double rolls to your cart, you can find them by looking on the left side towards the bottom for the teal picture above.
  • Click the “Add/Edit Coupons” button during checkout
  • Enter the coupon code 31958 to get $5 off a purchase of $25 or more
  • Now, there will also be an additional coupon code automatically added (that will take another $15 off)
  • Now you are ready to check out.
  • You will not see all of the discounts until you get to the “Review & Pay” section.
  • The total cost for all 60 double rolls (= 120 single rolls) is ONLY $21.97.
Press in and Press on,

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Dehydrating veggies

Yesterday PrepDad and I had work to do in the Big City so we had a chance to stop by a discount food store  and stock up on some canned things for the next 3 months. They had a great sell on carrots and celery . I have been experimenting with my food dehydrator and saw a video about making your own soup mixes

I pulled a half a bag of limas and a bag of green beans from the fridge and each got their own drying rack

 so: celery, limas, green beans & carrots in today's load.  Next up potatoes. The video said to put the ingredients in a jar with an oxygen absorber , chicken or beef bullion and spices . when you want soup just add water and rice, barley or noodles.... sounds like a plan!

Let's see how I did with my to-do list this week

1. Continue decluttering  I am so proud of myself today. I was in the mater bath and tossed  stuff I knew we would never use and filled another box with stuff to donate to the local woman's shelter.
2. Continue work on fire pit (this project will probably be postponed until next month.  the bathroom remodel is costing more then we planned)
3. Continue work on bathroom ( sort of)
4. apple sauce
5. apple pie filling
6. make and can ketchup
7. Check and treat water storage
8. plant spinach/kale
9.Hit the discount store int he big city for canned goods we are running low on
10.  transplant aloe

Press in and Press on,

Monday, October 3, 2011

Homemade Vanilla & Homemade Ketchup

Whew!  Sure felt good to prop my feet up this evening.  Mondays are our errand/ cleaning days. I knew I had to make a grocery run and a stop at Walgreens to work a coupon deal.... but when PrepDad brought in the mail and I opened these little babies, I knew I had one more stop!

My vanilla beans! I had found this post @ Heavenly Homemakers  and really wanted to try making my own.... This was easy peasy to do.  The hardest thing for me was acting like I knew what I was doing at the liquor store.  But, with a couple of small bottles of vodka and my french vanilla beans I began the long process of making homemade vanilla

 For these smaller bottles of vodka I put 5 beans in each bottle. I did slice open but not through each bean. I ordered the beans off ebay.... from France.. The total cost with shipping was less then 5.00 .. the package smelled heavenly!

 These babies will sit for the next 6 months in the pantry and get a little shake once a week to keep things going.  I foresee gift giving for next year int he making!

  At the Hispanic market this weekend I picked up 5lbs of Roma tomatoes.  Now, everybody in the world but us probably knew that Romas are the maters to use for the best sauces, salsas...........and homemade ketchup.

  My book came on Friday and I was so anxious to try the ketchup recipe...

So a bit of chopping..... a bit of boiling..

I am not sure I have tasted ketchup this good.... we decided that we needed chili cheese fries for dinner.. toss the sliced taters with olive oil and bake... cover with chili and top with cheese... and dip in ketchup..

 Now,  in between errands, cleaning and petting a few cats... lets see how this weeks goals are going:

1. Continue decluttering  I am so proud of myself today. I was in the mater bath and tossed  stuff I knew we would never use and filled another box with stuff to donate to the local woman's shelter.
2. Continue work on fire pit
3. Continue work on bathroom
4. apple sauce
5. apple pie filling
6. make and can ketchup 7. Check and treat water storage
8. plant spinach/kale
9.Hit the discount store int he big city for canned goods we are running low on
10.  transplant aloe

.. and I really didn't expect the vanilla so making that was a bonus do.

Press in and Press on


Sunday, October 2, 2011

Barn Hopping Weekly goals Oct 2- 8

I enjoy reading  posts from others on what is going on around their farms/ farmettes and homes.  I thought this week I would join in the fun so.

You can hop around too by following THIS link.

So, lets see how I did with last weeks goals

1. research homemade vanilla
2. do a bit of decluttering , I have set a goal of 200 things for this fall purge purged around 30 things...this project goes until Jan 1

3. work on the fire pit ( we located the bricks we will use and came up with the plans

4. Visit a new to us open air market for some quality apples
5. floor and toilet replaced in small bath began the demo part
6.Lunch with MIL
7.clean up old dehydrator
8. apple slices dehydrated

9. apple sauce canned   nope
10. apple pie filling canned  nope

OK, so for this week

1. Continue decluttering
2. Continue work on fire pit
3. Continue work on bathroom
4. apple sauce
5. apple pie filling
6. make and can ketchup
7. Check and treat water storage
8. plant spinach/kale
9.Hit the discount store int he big city for canned goods we are running low on
10.  transplant aloe

  The CVS/ ECB run today landed us 5 bottles of shampoo , a couple razors, a couple of toothbrushes, mouth wash  , and some cold medicine  for around 12.00 . 

I received tehe book I ordered Well Preserved  on Friday . There are some unique recipes I would like to try  that would add a bit of spice to food storage.

  The weather is getting cooler and the cats are moving indoors.  We took the time to deworm them and make sure fleas were in check before they stake out their desired places around heat sources.

  do you have any goals this week?

Press in and Press on,
